Creekside Fashions has gone online! First of all, you must be thinking, “Isn’t everyone online? What’s the big deal?” Let me back up a bit to let you know that we’ve been in business for 20 years now. I am not the most tech savvy person in the world and as an entrepreneur I’m wearing so many hats and feel I am constantly on the go to keep things running smoothly. Going online was something I often thought about but just never got around to implementing. Plus, it seemed like such a monumental task!
How I managed during the pandemic without an online presence
When the pandemic hit we closed for two months and, like so many other small businesses, it hit me really hard. For a day, I cried, wondering what to do to survive. If only I’d gone online prior to that!
Then I picked up the pieces and came up with a plan. The store became more of a warehouse as I called customers to find out what they might want and drove all over the lower mainland delivering bags of fashions to my incredibly supportive customers. For those that lived out of town, we spoke on the phone, I sent pictures, they made their choices and Canada Post became our mutual friend!
Of course, we also offered curbside pick-up too!
Social Media Became Especially Important For Us.
Everyone paid close attention to what I was posting, then they would message their orders and I would deliver. I also started our Sidewalk Fashion Shows and FaceBook Live presentations during these difficult times. Some of my friends asked me if I was deep cleaning my house as they were to which I replied, ”No time for that. I’m working every day, running around like a crazy woman and so happy to be doing so!” “But aren’t you closed?” they asked. Ha! Ha! Ha!
We got through the lockdown and re-opened, at first by appointment only, and then eventually we were able to welcome walk in business as well. Of course, all health protocols continue to be in place … masks are required, hand sanitizer at the door upon entering, limited occupancy to ensure social distancing, all clothing is steamed after it is tried on, high touch surfaces are sanitized, and we are constantly cleaning everything! It’s our new normal and our physical workout every day!
I am so grateful to the many customers who have supported us during this difficult time. You kept us alive! I am forever grateful and will never forget it!
Benefits of Doing Business Online Going Forward
Having an online presence during a pandemic is a benefit for any business!
Providing excellent customer service has always been a huge priority for us and going online will only further improve on that. Customers will be able to see our whole business and will have global access 24/7.
We will be improving our customer service through greater flexibility, availability, and easy access. If someone is not able to personally come into the store, they can visit the website to find out what is new in fashion, new in the store and, hopefully, enjoy the same quality experience as if they were to visit us in person.
And Finally
How cool is all of that? Although my technical ability is not the best, I continue to learn every day. For this big new chapter, we have teamed up with some really talented people, an artist and a web designer who have been working alongside us to get this going. We also owe a debt of gratitude to the Province of British Columbia and the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation for their support of the launch of our website.
I, for one, am so excited and can’t wait to let you know when we are officially and finally online!!! Stay tuned, watch this space, the big moment is almost here!
So proud of this little shop in Port Coquitlam. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting for over 20 years. Always accommodating to the customer and if they don’t
have something specific, they go out of their way to find it. Unfortunately, I have moved away from the area and don’t get to visit as much as I used to so enjoy watching the “Fashion Friday” fashion show and seeing all the new and wonderful things.
Good Luck to you, Nancy and all of your staff!